Is It Time To End Patient Shielding In Radiology?
Though it has been in place for decades, the practice of patient shielding in radiology should be abandoned, according to a new analysis...

What AI “App Stores” Will Mean for Radiology
Recent studies show that artificial intelligence algorithms can help radiologists improve the speed and accuracy of interpreting X-rays,...

Radiology: Are You Ready for Clinical Decision Support Law in 2020?
After several delays, the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) is finally set to go into effect on January 1, 2020. But despite the...

A Radiologist’s Guide to Minimizing the Risk of Medical Malpractice Claims
Mistakes are inevitable in radiology, and even the most careful specialists face the very real risk of being implicated in a medical...

Escape Room Helps Millennial Radiologists Gain Skills
June 5, 2019 -- Want to get your new millennial residents learning about radiology -- and bonding as they come into your program? Try...

Ng Details Key Steps for the Adoption of AI in Radiology
May 31, 2019 -- BURLINGAME, CA - With the advance of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine well underway, what's holding AI back from...

Radiologist Shortage in the U.K. Continues to Deepen
The worsening radiology shortage in the U.K. is becoming so critical that most radiology clinical directors say they do not have enough...

The Top 4 Priorities for AI Research in Medical Imaging
May 29, 2019 -- Bringing radiology artificial intelligence (AI) technology to routine clinical practice will require four major...

Radiologists Rally In Support Of Medical 3D Printing
May 29, 2019 -- Clinicians, including radiologists, who attended a 3D printing course unanimously agreed that the technology has the...

3 Ways To Lower CT Radiation Dose Across The Hospital
May 24, 2019 -- A hospital-wide quality improvement project effectively lowered CT radiation dose by nearly 20%, report researchers from...